Sunday, March 14, 2010


The bitter fenugreek (methi) seeds lend a distinct taste to mango pickles and preparations like kadhi and sambhar. Fenugreek leaves and seeds are also used extensively to prepare extracts for medicinal uses. Their medicinal properties have been described in Greek, Latin and Ayurvedic literature.

They are good for diabetics and weight-watchers, and have cholesterol-lowering, cancer-preventing, anti-ulcer, anti-fertility, anti-microbial and anti-parasitic properties. They also protect against liver damage.

Decoction (concentration by boiling) of fenugreek seeds is known to reduce glucose levels in blood and urine, and help relieve symptoms of diabetes. For better effects, powdered seeds can be taken by mixing with water or buttermilk 15 minutes before a meal.

Fenugreek seeds are rich in fibre (50 per cent). The dietary fibre fraction of fenugreek seeds also exerts anti-diabetic effects through inhibition of carbohydrate digestion and absorption, and enhancement of peripheral insulin action. The seeds also contain trigonelline, a component known to reduce blood sugar levels. It is reported that drug requirement for type 2 diabetes mellitus may decrease significantly with the use of methi. However, that does not mean that diabetics can stop medication straightaway, if they take methi. The optimal doses of the medication can be worked out in consultation with the physician.

Fenugreek seed powder lowers the levels of serum lipids by inhibiting cholesterol absorption and synthesis. A study reported that phytochemicals called saponins present in methi have cancer preventive properties. A branched chain amino-acid in the seeds is known to reduce insulin resistance, levels of triglycerides and total cholesterol. All these properties may help in the treatment of type 2 diabetes, central obesity and dyslipidemia (an excess of lipids like cholesterol and triglyceride in the blood).

Other health-promoting properties of fenugreek seeds (soaked in water) include smoothening the throat, protecting against abdominal discomfort and aiding in digestion. They also have diuretic and astringent properties.

Fenugreek seeds are known to help in menstrual cramps and regulate menopausal symptoms, bronchitis, arthritis and promote breast milk production in nursing mothers. A recent study reports that lactating women showed a 20 per cent increase in milk volume after two weeks of being given fenugreek supplementation.

Health benefits of germinated fenugreek seeds are considered to be more beneficial than dried seeds due to the high presence of plant chemicals like flavonoids.

Fenugreek seeds should not be consumed raw, they are better taken soaked or powdered. For diabetics, the dose depends on the severity of the condition. The prescribed dose varies between 25 to 50 grams i.e two to three tablespoons. You can divide 25 grams of the seeds in two doses of 12.5 grams each (about one tablespoon) that can be had with lunch and dinner. They can be added to chapattis, rice, dal, vegetable, curd, pickle, chutneys, or as sprouts in salad.

This bitter but beneficial seed usually has no side-effects, however, some people may develop diarrhoea or flatulence initially. If the symptoms persist, reduce quantity or build up slowly. Besides, they should not be taken by children before they reach puberty as they are believed to contain steroid-like compounds.

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