Friday, September 4, 2009


1.For a refereshing skin mix the tomato juice with honey and apply the mixture on the face ,wash it after 15 minutes.

2.Rose is not just a flower but a good herb too as its petals can be used to cure asthma,high blood pressureand bronchitis.

3.Secret formula for a wrinkle free skin is to apply Banana pulp.

4.cardamom seeds are chewed to sweeten breath and it also detoxify excess contents of caffeine in th body.

5.Eating nuts regularly can contribute to good health.

6.Splash your eyes with cool water every night before sleeping to keep them fresh and shining .

7.Honey can be used as an antiseptic to cure dry skin.Apply and wash off after 10 minutes for a warm glow.

8.Regularly eating of oatmeal for breakfast results in reduction of cholestrol in few days.

9.Banana helps wash fatty wastes from kidneys.It is soothings to digestive tract and helps releive constipation and diarrhea.

10.Mix coriander juice with buttermilk and drink it to treat indiestion.

11.Take juice of coriander leaves by grinding them and mixing in hot water ,before going to bed to have a good sleep.

12.Add 3-4 crushed cloves of garlic to boiling milk and drink it to get immediate relief from indigestion.

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