Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Benefits of Walking Exercise

Benefits of Walking Exercise
Itis said that every person has two doctors with him... his right leg
& his left leg. A vigorous 5 mile walk can do more good for an
unhappy but otherwise healthy man than any medicine or psychology. it
is the easiest exercise for most individuals, one that can done without
equipment except good shoes, in most terrains & weather & also
in very old age.

What we are talking about is not just walking but brisk walking. Here are the benefits of the same--

Why walking ?

Walking is the most natural exercise known to man.
Besides this, here are the other benefits of walking

1 ) Walking improves circulation : Calf
muscles are man's second heart. On walking, these muscles pump the
blood to the heart with all force. This leads to greater heart
exercise, increased oxygen requirement & better blood circulation.

2) Walking is good for the heart : The
increased oxygen requirements lead to exercise for the heart. On a long
term basis, it leads to a better circulation for the heart. Thus it
reduces the chances of a heart attack.

3) Walking cuts fatigue : Once
daily brisk walking has become a habit, you start reaping the
benefits. Soon there is no need of any laxatives. No more low back
ache. No more of that catch while bending. Above all, in shape body is
not easily fatigued.

4 ) Walking improves the posture.

5 ) Psychological benefits : Many
studies have shown enormous psychological benefits of walking. It has
been shown that daily walking habit reduces anxiety, tension &
improves mood.

What is "brisk walking"?
has been shown that what works best is not walking but "brisk walking".
Scientifically, it correlates with the pulse rate that you should
achieve for the maximum benefit. However, simply speaking, brisk
walking means : a level that's not just strolling; but not out pf
breath either.

How many minutes a day should one walk briskly?

No study has established the exact time for the maximum benefit. However 45minutes to 1 hour is a good guide.

can even incorporate it in your daily life style. That way you will
automatically walk briskly to the office & for that matter
anywhere. A short brisk walk is is worth two miles of ambling. That way
you will easily get minimal amount of good exercise every day. And, as
striding becomes a habit, you will soon get more exercise, willingly.

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