Sunday, September 6, 2009


1.Sandal wood helps to clear up dry cough and boost the digestive system,especially in diarrhea.

2.For oily skin mix the egg white with oatmeal to create a creamy paste and apply to face liberally.Leave the mixture for 20 min and wash

3.Aloevera gel is used to heal wounds,ulcer and burns.

4.In summer ,soak orange peel in water in the whole night,wash your face with the water in the morning,your face will glow with freshness.

5.Got High BP or cholestrol - take raw garlic empty stomach daily.

6 Tooth pain can be prevented and cured by sucking on a clove

7.Stomach ache- Take a mixture of carom seeds ,a pinch of black salt and a few dropsof lemon with luke warm

8.Mixture of ginger juice and warm honey ,if taken before going to bed at night bringsgreat releif to sever cough.

9.Taking raw curry leaves daily helps prevent premature graying of hairs.

10.After squeezing the juice of lemon,rub your teeth with the rind to whiten teeth and stregthen gums.

11.Collect hot steamed cooked onions in cheesecloth and this can be used as a compress during a chest cold.

12.How to get rid of pimples,saturate a tea bag in warmwater and presson affected areafor 5 minutes ,then rinse

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