Sunday, December 13, 2009


1.Boil the grinded garlic in the milk and when it becomes dense like cream then eat it. It provides great relief for paralysis patients.

2.Apply the grapes pulp on skin to prevent wrinkles.

3.Grate one lemon peel, saturate in warm water over night .Take one teaspoon 3 times a day with meals and cure arteriosclerosis

4.Add 500 Gms resins, 150gm sugar crystal, 1 gm saffron, 10 gm cardamom, a bowl and pestle to powder the things for cracked voice.

5.Take yeast mix well with lemon juice and apply gently on face, let it for few minutes you will get a pimple free beautiful skin.

6.Get rid of Asthma, mix 1 teaspoon of honey with half teaspoon of cinnamon and take at night before going to bed everyday.

7.Take a black radish hollow it out n add 1 teaspoon of honey. Let juices from the radish mix with the honey n drink mixture for cough.

8.Create a paste of fenugreek seed n apply on your face before going to bed n rinse it in the morning to get rid of acnes n black heads.

9.Put a piece of membrane from the inside of an eggshell on pimples. As it dries, it will draw the puss to the surface n blackhead removed.

10.Mix juice of one onion and a spoon of pure honey in equal quantity.Take 2 spoon of this mixture once a day for cure of high B.P

11.Mix baby oil and table salt equally. Massage this on face. The salt removes the dead cells and the baby oil softens the emerging skin.

12.Use sugar, some bar soap and spit. Mix a poultice and covered with a gauze pad. Within 20 minutes the bee sting dislodges and no pain.

13.A pinch of pepper powder mixed with common salt is an excellent cure against increased sensitiveness of the teeth.

14.Make a mixture of honey, finely grounded almond paste and little lime juice .It is excellent cleansing scrub.
15.Placing slices of potato over eyes black circles can be removed.

16.Cinnamon can work wonders to control cholesterol levels. Boil little cinnamon in water, add honey and then drink while it is still hot.

17.In case of cough eat ajwain then drink Luke warm water, it provides relief.

18.Solution for dry skin,take carrot pulp and mix with honey,apply on skin and wait for 10 minutes.Wash with cool water.

19.Asthma patient can get great relief with this formula.Take 3-4 cloves of garlic,boil it in milk and drink it every night.